File and maintain all monthly financial closing journal vouchers, general ledgers, sub-ledgers and departmental expenses reports etc. The provision for bad debts shall be itemized and shown as a deduction item of accounts receivable in the financial statement. 装订并保存所有月度财务结帐的传票,总账,分帐目,部门费用报告等。坏帐准备金在会计报表中作为应收帐款的备抵项目列示。
General relation of temperature characteristics for long period fiber grating ( LPG) is obtained from deduction by using mode coupling theory. 利用模式耦合理论推导出长周期光纤光栅(LPG)温度特性的一般关系式;
This general intelligent controller has several advantages: its control tactic is simple, complex deduction and computation are not needed; 这种通用智能控制器的主要优点是:控制策略简单,没有复杂的推导和计算;
This thesis introduces general method and applying condition of data processing in physics experiment through "Gradual Deduction Method" and shows good points of data processing through "Gradual Deduction Method". 本文介绍了逐差法处理物理实验数据的基本方法和适用范围,表明了逐差法处理实验数据的优点。
Practical application showed that a CFB general mathematical model with auto-modeling system could save large sum of the model developing time, and make the researcher free from hard manual deduction and programming work. 实践证明,带有自动建模系统的循环流化床锅炉整体模型能够节约一半左右的模型开发时间,使研究人员从繁琐的手工推导和编程工作中解脱出来,具有很强的实用性。
FEPG uses the method of components and the technique of artificial intelligence to generate finite element program automatically by a computer according to the general principles of mathematic and internal rules of finite element method, as is similar to the deduction of mathematics. 有限元程序生成系统可以根据通用的数学原理和有限元素法规则,采用部件化和人工智能的方法,像推导数学公式那样利用计算机自动生成有限元程序。
Deduction is a method of proving a specific judgment with general principles. It has been argued that deduction is the basis of scientific theories. 演绎是用一般原理证明个别性论断的一种方法,演绎主义科学哲学认为,演绎逻辑是获得科学理论的根据。
In this paper, the theory and method of general linguistics, rhetoric and so forth are mainly used, and on the basis of widely collected words methods of key inspection, classification study, induction deduction and analysis comparison are also used. 本文的研究主要运用普通语言学、修辞学等理论和方法,在广泛搜集语料的基础上进行重点考察、分类研究、归纳演绎、分析比较。
But for general provision should not permit any deduction about the tax. 而对于商业银行提取的一般准备则不应当允许在税前扣除。